RVCC’s Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA)
This program is a starting point for a rewarding career in healthcare. 这是快节奏的, hands-on program that combines classroom instruction, 实验室技能, 以及临床实践.
lna目前需求量很大,预计未来5年需求量将增长10%至25%. 此外,我任何LNAs都可以利用他们在医疗保健工作中获得的知识和经验进入竞争激烈的LPN和RN学位课程.
Upon successfully completing the course, 学生将准备参加国家认证考试,并提交他们的护理LNA执照申请.
这个简短的YouTube视频解释了更多关于lna的工作和RVCC的项目: 4分钟信息环节.
We are no longer accepting applications to the June 2024 LNA session, 任何新申请者将被添加到等待名单中,并在空间开放时联系. Please check the River Valley LNA webpage for upcoming Fall classes.
RVCC offers two pathways to completing the LNA certificate program. Each has its own application and admission process.
If you apply directly to RVCC, 你支付你的学费和杂费,你可以选择为任何雇主工作,或在完成后继续深造. 应用ing to RVCC directly is a multi-step process:
- 完成此申请.
- Demonstrate English comprehension and Math proficiency. 你可以在RVCC现场参加一个简短的评估测试,并以70%或更高的分数通过,或者提交tea的结果,显示你的英语语言和使用部分达到55%或更高,数学部分达到60%或更高. 预约在任何RVCC校区进行评估,请致电603-443-4200.
- 向城堡分局登记. RVCC已与他们签订合同,进行必要的犯罪背景调查, provide information on the required drug screening, 并帮助您协调提交您已完成体检的证明, 有健康保险, and have your necessary immunizations and vaccinations up-to-date. 当你注册时, choose the Nursing Assistant IU68 package. 这个套餐的费用是167美元,你必须在注册时支付. 请注意: it will take 3-4 weeks for all of this to be completed, 因此,我们鼓励您在完成第1步和第2步后尽快在城堡分校注册,以确保您的注册不会延迟.
- Obtain your AHA Basic Life Support CPR 证书. 医疗保健提供者基本生命支持-美国心脏协会BLS为所有RVCC学生免费提供. The web-based program is through RQI 1 Stop. 学生需要完成课程的在线教学部分, then come to RVCC to complete the manikin portion of the program.
应用 to the Paid Training Program at Dartmouth Health
If you apply to the paid training program at Dartmouth Health, you proceed through their selection process. 如果选择, you are hired as their employee and you complete the program at no cost to you; upon completion and receipt of your license, 你将在他们的一个住院单位获得一个全职执业护士助理的职位. 更多关于申请付费培训项目流程的信息.
We offer the LNA program at each of our campuses — Claremont, 基恩, and Lebanon — on a rotating schedule throughout the year. 课程将根据学生的需求和教师的可用性而增加, 因此,如果您没有看到与您的日程安排工作的会议,请网赌最好最大的平台.
River Valley Community College. 1大学Pl. 克莱尔蒙特,NH
1月27日- 3月31日
方向: Start: 2:30pm Monday January 27th
1月27日星期一th 3 pm-8pm
Mon 2/24 and Tues 2/25 2pm-8pm
Clinicals: Sullivan County Nursing Home
Mon 3/10 and Tues 3/11 10hr days
星期一3/31 3-8pm
工作簿: Hartman’s Nursing Assistant Care: Long-Term & Home Care Workbook, 第四版, ISBN: 9781604251340
课本: Hartman’s Nursing Assistant Care: Long-Term Care and Home Care, 第四版, ISBN: 13: 978-1604251333 or ISBN-10: 1604251336
如果您通过我们的直接入学途径被录取,那么您将支付您的费用. 我们在下面列出了该计划的总费用以及经济援助的来源.
如果你通过达特茅斯健康学院的付费培训项目被录取, then you complete the program at no cost to you.
- 城堡分店收费:167美元
- BPS CPR Certification Course: $70-100 (if needed)
- Physical Exam: variable (if needed)
- Additional Immunizations/Vaccinations: variable (if needed)
学费、书籍 & 供应:
- 学费:$ 1900
- 教材:65 - 75美元
- 工作簿: Hartman’s Nursing Assistant Care: Long-Term & Home Care Workbook, 第四版, ISBN: 9781604251340
- 教科书:哈特曼的护理助理护理:长期护理和家庭护理, 第四版, ISBN: 13: 978-1604251333 or ISBN-10: 1604251336
- 黑色擦洗服:35美元
- Live Scan Fingerprints – $48.25
- Skills and Written Test (Certification Exam) – $200
- NH Board of Nursing, Nursing Assistant License Fee – $35
有机会获得经济援助,以支付LNA项目的学费和书本费. Here are a few to look into:
- 提前就业 & 培训基金
- 奖学金 (你需要创建一个“春季奖学金”账户来申请这些奖学金)
Applicants to the RVCC 采用程序 may qualify for up to $6,500.00 in tuition assistance through the WIOA program.
所有新界居民 – please be sure to reach out for this WIOA assistance. 有关注册过程的信息,并安排与SNHS职业导航员的会议, 请打电话给 603-647-4470 ext. 8047 或电子邮件 (电子邮件保护)
- To schedule a meeting with a WIOA Employment Counselor, 请打电话给 your local NH Works office Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm. WIOA services are available statewide in all twelve NH Works office.
佛蒙特州 居民 – VSCA’s Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) counselors can help you set up your educational goals, access college and career training services, explore financial aid options and fill out financial aid applications. To schedule an appointment, you can email Ran Wang at (电子邮件保护) 或打电话 877-961-4369 to set up a time to talk with an EOC counselor.
Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:
- Actively participate in theoretical and clinical experiences, under the supervision of a licensed nurse, 协助受助人在下列范畴进行与护理有关的活动:
- Personal hygiene including bathing, grooming, and dressing
- 行走和运动,包括运动范围,转身,定位和转移
- 营养和排泄包括喂养和补水,如厕,肠道和膀胱训练
- Environmental and personal 安全 involving housekeeping concerns, 自适应设备, 特殊服装
- 情感支持包括对认知障碍和痴呆患者的适当反应和技术, 老化过程, 资源识别, 维护尊严, and assuring freedom from fear and reprisal
- 舒适,休息和活动,包括隐私,身体和职业技能
- Emergency situations including appropriateness of action or non-action, 消防演习, 环境安全, 以及可用的资源
- 描述护理助理在卫生保健系统中的作用以及成功融入工作队伍所需的素质
- 认识病理, 物理, 心理, 社会, 与生命周期和老龄化过程有关的文化和宗教影响
- Identify End of Life issues
- Record abnormalities in behavior or bodily functions
- Identify hazardous conditions in the environment
- 应用 a holistic approach to care throughout the lifespan
- 解释提供护理相关活动所涉及的法律、伦理和道德问题
- Value a care-recipients’ rights, dignity and confidentiality
- 帮助病人在卫生保健机构或家中获得并保持功能独立
- 展示各种沟通技巧,加强与患者和其他医疗团队成员的关系,以提高准确性并保护客户健康的机密性, 安全, 福利, 物理 and mental conditions, 总体幸福感
- 在临床领域实行应急、安全和感染控制程序
- 列出并确定LNA在口头和图表中有效沟通所需的医学术语和缩写
- Demonstrate understanding of the clients’ emotional, 社会 and 物理 health needs through skillful, direct nursing related activities
请注意: The term “client” is synonymous with patient, 居民, or recipient depending on the setting of care.
Upon completion of the Licensed Nursing Assistant Program, 学生有资格参加资格证书考试. 该项目获得了新罕布什尔州护理委员会的全面批准,并获得了护理教育认证委员会(ACEN)的国家认证。. 毕业生可以在各种不同的环境中就业,包括(但不限于):
- 医院
- Nursing and Home HealthCare Facilities
- Government Assisted Living Facilities
- 退休社区
年薪: $27,200 – $36,200
平均每小时: $13 – $16
就业增长: 10 – 25%
Projected Growth: Much faster than average
The Nursing Lab is made possible by generous donations from the
Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation and Mascoma Bank Foundation.